
the tributes just won't quit

MYKROMAG 's latest pet project wasted no time in paying tribute to the King of Pop. The day of his memorial service in LA, Sonny Groo managed to organize a shoot with Dutch duo Petrovsky and Ramone on location, in amidst the fans, the shrines and chaos. These images are both strictly speaking a fashion shoot and a genuine bit of compelling documentary photography. Entirely void of fashion credits or any notes of styling (though clearly, outfits were pre-considered), this does tip the balance more towards being a documentary portfolio. Exactly how onlookers, fans and police forces took to this seemingly impromptu shoot going on is beyond me. However, judging by sparkly tee dude doing a moonwalk, don't think it caused too much of a kerfuffle and perhaps the fashion tribute was acceptable as part of the mourning/celebratory fanfare. There's something jarring between the posing model and a background situation that is entirely un staged and not set up which surprisingly works for me in a way that models placed in 'exotic' located shoots (Asia/Africa/South America/TakeYourPick) don't.

inspiration: matte nails

For fall 09, O.P.I is coming out with a matte line. No new colors, but a whole new finish. You Don't Know Jacques! looks like mushrooms and Alpine Snow looks like straight up White Out. want want want.

french vogue